Karaoke Lyrics: The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven.kar

Karaoke Music / Songs in English-5 / The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven

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Lyrics from the MIDI .kar music file

Gon-na wri-te a lit-tle let-ter.
Gon-na mail it to my lo-cal D. J.
It's a rock-in' lit-tle re-cord.
I want my jock-ey to play.
Ro-ll ov-er Bee-tho-ven,
Got-ta he-ar it again to-day.

Well my tem-pe-ra-ture's ri-sin'
juke-box's blow-in' a fu-se.
My he-arts beatin' rhy-thm
and my soul is a sing-ing the blues.
Ro-ll ov-er Bee-tho-ven
and tell tchai-kovsky the news.

I got a rock-in' pneu-mo-nia.
I need a shot of rhy-thm and blues.
I think I got it off the wri-ter
sit-tin' down by the rhy-thm re-view.
Ro-ll ov-er Bee-tho-ven
we're rockin' in two by two.

Well if you fe-el you like it.
Well get your lo-ver and re-el and ro-ck it.
roll it o-ver and move on up just
jump a-round and re-el and ro-ck it.
roll it o-ver.
Roll o-ver Bee-tho-ven
Dig these rhy-thm and blues!

Ear-ly in the morn-in'
I'm a givin' you the warnin'.
Don't you step on my blue suede shoes.
Hey lit-tle lit-tle.
I'm play-in' my fid-dle.
Ain't got no-thing to loose.
Ro-ll ov-er Bee-tho-ven.
A rockin' it two by two.

You know she winks like a glow worm.
Dan-ces like a spin-nin' top.
She's got a crazy part-ner.
Oughta see em' reel an rock.
Long as she's got a dime
the mu-sic will ne-ver stop.
Roll ov-er Bee-tho-ven.
Roll o-ver Bee-tho-ven.
Roll o-ver Bee-tho-ven
Roll o-ver Bee-tho-ven
Roll o-ver Bee-tho-ven

Stick to these rhythm and blues.